Friday, September 26, 2008


As I noted last week, advisers to the presidential candidates have been fairly mum about which scientists, medical leaders and engineers have signed on to advise and/or support Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama.

It’s something Albert H. Teich also noted when I contacted this director of Science & Policy Programs at the American Association for the Advancement of Science several weeks back. Observed Teich in August, “You don’t have any really identifiable science people associated with McCain’s campaign, whereas there are quite a few people on the Obama side.” Indeed, he said, “You could say that there is a brain trust of scientists” linked to the Democratic candidate.

Yesterday, Obama’s campaign released “an open letter to the American people” signed by 61 Nobel laureates. All received their award for achievements in physics (22), chemistry (14) or medicine (25).

In their letter, they argue that during the past eight years, “vital parts of our country’s scientific enterprise have been damaged by stagnant or declining federal support. The government’s scientific advisory process has been distorted by political considerations.”

Commenting on Obama’s stump rhetoric, the letters point “in particular” to measures that the Illinois senator said he plans to implement to meet national and global needs “through new initiatives in education and training, expanded research funding, an unbiased process for obtaining scientific advice, and an appropriate balance of basic and applied research.” Many of these points have been outlined on Obama’s website and in his written responses to Science Debate 2008 questions (all of which are also summarized in the latest issue of Science News and Science News online reports).

Alas, Obama’s plans for boosting the conduct of science and the development of a larger, better trained workforce may be compromised by current events. If, as seems likely, the public will be asked to shoulder a $700 billion-plus bailout of financial institutions in the coming year, Uncle Sam’s purse strings will be stretched taut. Just Wednesday, Obama acknowledged that such a bailout would slow the pace at which he — should he reach the White House — would be able to phase in his proposed changes.

When McCain's campaign releases the names of his science and engineering advisers and supporters, we'll post those here as well.

In the mean time, let’s just hope that the new president, whoever it turns it to be, doesn’t neglect science as he deals with Wall Street’s economic struggles. Because science is one of the best long-term investments any nation can make. And it pays off in good times and bad.

Friday, September 19, 2008


The 16th-century Italian philosopher (and former Catholic priest) Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for a stubborn adherence to his then unorthodox beliefs—including the ideas that the universe is infinite and that other solar systems exist. Art historian Ingrid Rowland vividly recounts Bruno’s journey through a quickly changing Reformation-era Europe, where he managed to stir up controversy at every turn। Having a habit of calling schoolmasters “asses,” Bruno was jailed in Geneva for slandering his professor after publishing a broadsheet listing 20 mistakes the man had made in a single lecture.

Bruno’s adventures in free thought ended when the Roman Inquisition declared him “an impenitent, pertinacious, and obstinate heretic,” to which he characteristically replied, “You may be more afraid to bring that sentence against me than I am to accept it।” In 1600 the inquisitors stripped Bruno naked, bound his tongue, and burned him alive. At least his universe survived.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

As early as 7,000 years ago, prehistoric societies in the tropical forests of Central and South

America changed over from foraging to food production by cultivating manioc and other

plants with edible, starchy roots, a new study finds.

Although cultivation appeared later there than in the Middle East, the data support a controversial

theory that tropical-forest dwellers cultivated roots and tubers long before such

practices emerged elsewhere among Native Americans, says a team led by archaeologist

Dolores R. Piperno of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Panama.

Piperno's group recovered starch grains from milling stones found at a Panamanian site

dated at between 7,000 and 5,000 years old.

Microscopic analysis of the grains identified examples of manioc, arrowroot, and yams, the

researchers report in the Oct. 19 Nature. Earlier microscope observations by Piperno had

uncovered characteristic grain shapes for these and many other modern species of wild and

domesticated plants.

The ancient milling stones also contained starch grains from maize, indicating that the

site's prehistoric residents grew seed crops as well as root crops, the scientists say.

Piperno suspects that the cultivation of manioc, a staple food in the tropics, first occurred

in South America and then spread northward. Other researchers have uncovered manioc grains

at two sites in Belize that date to 4,700 years ago.